
Monday, December 4, 2017

Living for Now

I used to live for the future.  The day I graduate, fall in love, get married, have kids, watch them graduate and have kids of their own.  All of that.

Now I'm living for today.  For the moment.  This life has so much to offer and if we don't spend each second enjoying what we have, it'll all be gone before we know it.

I used to dread Mondays (sometimes I still do) but I am trying to change that.  I used to always be waiting and waiting.  Waiting for Friday or waiting for the weekend.  Waiting for my birthday or whatever holiday was up next.  Waiting for my shift to be over so I could go home and nap, or go out with friends.  Waiting to finish up an assignment or take a test.  Waiting for that boy to text back or for that grade to post.  Waiting for something that was inevitably (or not) in the future.  Because nothing is guaranteed you know.  Maybe that boy never texts you back or your weekend wasn't as exciting as you had hoped.  Maybe you end up disappointed, all because you had waited so intently for so long.

That is why I have decided to savor each moment for what it is, even if it ends up being less than favorable.  Each moment will add up to those monumental days.  Even when they may seem insignificant at times, one day you will look back and realized how everything fell together.  You don't have to necessarily go searching for meaning in every insignificant detail, but appreciate every second you're given.

Even on "the worst day ever," there is still something to appreciate and be thankful for.  So live for now and stop waiting.  Things will come with time.  The future will be here before you know it, and then it will be gone.  Until next time xxx.

What I Believe it Means to Be a Human

I watched a series called "Middle Ground" on Youtube by Jubilee.  There are only three brief episodes so far, but essentially it takes two opposing groups, puts them in a circle together, and proposes questions for them to discuss.  So far there were the Atheists and Christians, the Pro-Lifers and Pro-Choicers, and Liberals and Conservatives.  The way some people spoke as Atheists and Christians really got me thinking, and it wasn't because I liked what they were saying.  I believe it is important to have opinions and to believe in things for yourself, but that doesn't require you to go around screaming at everyone who disagrees.  People are allowed to disagree.  It makes the world interesting.  Imagine how truly boring this life would be if everyone was the same.

Anyways, when asked if they believed their lives were important and valuable, one lady said hers wasn't.  Another person said that they felt like everyone was insignificant.  A man tried to boast about just how important we all really are.  I disagree with all of them, and now I can't sleep.  While no single individual is the center of the entire universe, everyone matters.  Each individual has a unique story and is significant. It doesn't matter that there are billions of people on this planet.  There is room for everyone to enjoy the human experience.  To love and to hurt.  To win and lose, rise and fall.  It's all a part of being human.  No one said this life is fair.  As a matter of fact, life does an excellent job at being incredibly unfair.
I used to complain if I had an awful professor or had a bad hair day.  Oh my God, this is so unfair!  Then my dad reminded me that life really isn't fair.  Because, who is to say that I should have food on the table and a bed to sleep in?  Why is it fair that I can get an education, drive a car, read, write, and talk?  Some people can't even stand up on their own.  Many people don't have a roof over their head.  How is it fair for me to have any of those things?
On the other hand, is it fair that some people get private jets and live lavishly like the Kardashians or royal family?  No.  That's not fair either.  Nothing is fair, and to recognize that is to be human.

People will be different than you, but that doesn't make you any better.  Just because you believe in God, doesn't mean He exists.  Just because you don't believe in God, doesn't mean He isn't real.  The truth is, sometimes you don't really know what the truth is.  So does that give you the right to judge others for thinking differently than you?  I don't think so... I think everyone should be allowed to think whatever they want, but that they should respect how others think and feel as well.  Just some thoughts.  Love each other.  Until next time xxx.