
Sunday, March 30, 2014

The Key to Happiness

What is the key to happiness?  Is it being rich?  Being popular?  Having a significant other? 

All wrong.  

The key to happiness is yourself.

It may sound silly, but it's one of the truest things out there.  I must begin by saying it is important to be selfless.  If you're selfish all the time you will lead a very unhappy life.  Being selfish is asking for a wretched, depressing future.  Yet, sometimes it is necessary to put yourself before others… especially when it comes to happiness.

I've found that if you as an individual are happy, others will be drawn to that and they themselves will also be happy.  Happiness really is contagious.  The only way to spread it is to have some joy yourself.

Sure, life can get us down.  There are the constant stresses and difficult thoughts.  Sometimes, it' s necessary to push it all aside and smell the roses.  Enjoy the walk through life's garden instead of running through it.  

Go do something for yourself today.  Pamper yourself or buy yourself something.  Read a book or take a walk.  It doesn't really matter.  Just find a way to escape this stressful thing called life that tends to dull our happiness.  Spread the joy and love daily.  It is a challenge, but it will make you special.  

When you're happy, you'll make others happy, and that will make you even happier.  Until next time xxx.

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