
Sunday, October 18, 2015

Fall Break 2015

Being a high schooler during fall is possibly one of the best things to happen to me.  While the weather is still a little too hot for "fall," the leaves are changing and life is spinning quite splendidly.  I've got some of the most beautiful (inside and out) best friends on the planet and lots of exciting things going on.
Fall break ends today, but lucky me doesn't have to return to school until Thursday.  I'm heading up to the mountains for an outdoor ed trip with elementary school kids.  It'll be a long three days, but hopefully rewarding and fun.
Over this break I got my hair cut to support The Breast Cancer Research Foundation, spent time with my brothers, went bowling with Daycamp for a field trip, got a very large pumpkin, went to a pumpkin patch, caught up with friends, went to a scary movie (appropriate for the season), went to the corn maze, baked cookies, worked on college applications, went on a sushi date, and all sorts of other cute fall things.
The first night of break spent listening to music and talking for hours about life

Some art by yours truly 
the largest of pumpkins 
So grateful to see my friend Matthew in The Odd Couple and so #blessed to be photo bombed by Will Smith

sushi dates & chill 

only appropriate to see scary movies during the scariest season

all pinked out for BCRF
the wilderness or a friend's backyard?

Our super fab photographer friend Blake took some super cute pics of us
Me n Ri 

We almost got lost in the corn maze

typical crying and listening to sad music and stuff with the queens

fall all around

Until next time xxx.

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