
Saturday, February 13, 2016

Thanks to the Sky

Thanks to the sky, for it taught me how to dream. Thanks to the sky, for it showed me how beautiful reality can be. 

I always find myself looking up to the swirling clouds and sparkling stars. I encourage you to do the same. Isn't it breathtaking? There is something so magical about living under a canopy of stardust. The colors mix seamlessly- blue into pink, orange, purple, and yellow, which melts into black and is studded with twinkling lights. 
The sky doesn't care whether you look at it or not. The sun doesn't only set and rise when people are paying attention. You can be fast asleep, dreaming of another place, and the sun will still rise outside your window, kissing every edge of the world with light. The sun will sink beneath the horizon every afternoon, and in a matter of minutes will completely disappear. 
I think everyone wishes they were as beautiful as the sky. Yet, we are all made from tiny little stars anyways, and they say that soulmates are people made up from the same stars.  While I do not know how true that is, I still find it to be a comforting and lovely thought. Believing that I am part of a star makes me feel strong.  It at least makes me feel as beautiful as the sky. 
And remember, "the sun loved the moon so much, he died every night to let her breathe," and that is most beautiful of all. Until next time xxx. 

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