
Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Words on Las Vegas

Sometimes there is no way to articulate a certain event.  This is one of those times.  First off, I want to say I am mourning along with the rest of the country and world for those directly impacted by this heinous tragedy.  It thoroughly disgusts and deeply saddens me.  50+ innocent lives were brutally robbed from this earth, and over 500 people have been physically injured.  Yet, it goes so much deeper than that.  Thousands upon thousands of people have been personally impacted by this event.  Whether they were fellow concert goers, musicians, residents of Las Vegas, or lost their loved ones, peoples' lives are forever changed after the evening of October 1st.

I will not name the perpetrator.  He is a terrorist.  He is a monster.  He was a 60-something white male that could've been your neighbor, friend, or family member.  But forever he will be remembered as a terrorist.  Might I add, mentally ill.  No matter what anyone says, I truly believe all terrorists are mentally ill.  All serial killers, too.  No normal, mentally sound human being would go off and cause such havoc and tragedy for the hell of it.  Only mentally ill and unstable people go to the lengths that these terrorists go to.

On that note, there is no place in this world for automatic weapons.  No average joe needs automatic or semi-automatic guns.  I ask you... what hunter needs a machine gun?  What person wanting to protect themselves and their family needs an automatic weapon?  A handgun or rifle, maybe I can understand, but automatic rifles and weapons?  It is so unnecessary.  And it makes me sick to know that after so many mass shootings in this country, our government continues to sit around and ignore the issues at hand.  Text ACT to 644-33 if you don't want the innocent victims to have died in vain.  If you want there to be a real change, then speak up and stand up for what is right.

People died.  They were murdered.  That is in the past and unfortunately we can not reverse time and save all those innocents.  But we can make their deaths mean something.  We will never let them be forgotten.  There was Columbine, Virginia Tech, Pulse Nightclub, Aurora Movie Theater, Sandy Hook, San Bernardino, and Fort Hood.  Oh, and all of those have occurred in my lifetime.  I am only 19 years old.

After Sandy Hook, I really started to wonder if things would ever change.  I mean, 26 people died then and 20 of them were children.  Children.  Elementary-aged children.  If that doesn't haunt you then I don't know what will.  But I still believe it is never too late for change.  From the bottom of my heart, I believe that this world and this country is capable of change.  I believe that American can be great.

And now I want to ask you this:  Is this what making America Great Again looks like?  I can think of plenty of other countries that are arguably in better shape than we are.  And no, I'm not saying I am not proud to be an American.  I love this country.  I love these people.  But that is why it breaks my heart to see some not fighting for a change.  You can love something and admit that it needs improvement.  It doesn't make you any less patriotic.  It means you want the best for this country and all of its people.  It means you care about the truth.

So, people died.  It was a terrible day in U.S. history that started out like any other day.  Isn't that how it always goes?  One moment everything is fine and the next things more horrific than we could possibly imagine are unfolding.  But I will remember and I know you will, too.  We stand stronger together than apart.  I love you, Vegas.  Stay strong.  Until next time, xxx.

Click the link below to donate to the Las Vegas Victims' Fund:

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