It is official! I have joined the Tumblr world once and for all! I absolutely love it so far! I am now all over social media!
Pinterest where I have well over 5,000 pins and around 3,000 likes! I will admit that it is a bit of an obsession for me but I have no shame! It's easy to get lost in the Pinterest world after a long and busy week or just a tiring, stressful day.
I'm also on Instagram! I love it so because I have a passion for photography. It's just so intriguing so definitely check that out as well!
I definitely consider the three links above to be the most "artsy." I hope you all take the time to check them out and let me know what you think! I'm brainstorming a few super interesting ideas for the next couple blog topics! I'm not sure how busy everything will get with homework, projects, and of course, THE SUPER BOWL (go Broncos!). I promise the next posts will be amazing! Until next time xxx.
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Monday, January 27, 2014
Life is a Dash
I completely thought of this topic in a matter of minutes, so I apologize it if makes no sense. Usually I like to think out what I'm going to write in advance, but I just had to get this down.
Now, I'm not sure where I heard this. It may have been a movie, book, or just a random quote. Yet I really love it and I hope you love it just as much.
So everyone has seen a cemetery. If not, you know what a headstone looks like. Let's pretend I was born in the year 1800 and I died in the year 1875. On the headstone it would read 1800-1875. If you can see, there is the slightest dash between the 1800 and the 1875. It is so small. Just a minuscule line that is supposed to account for your entire life. This is your life: -
Just a dash. If you genuinely think about your life, right now is not even a percentage of that dash. The past five years make up the smallest part of your own dash.
So how are you living your life? Are the things you doing even affecting the length of your dash? I mean, what is even in a dash? Look at all of time. Billions and billions of years. One person's life is literally nothing to all that time.
Not that your life is nothing. Your life is something. But it is only significant if you make it great. Build your dash. Live out your dreams. Watch the sunrise and fall asleep on a beach. Travel, read lots of books, and eat bizarre foods. Drink tea and talk to interesting people. Expand your horizons and live on the edge. Stay at a tiny motel in the middle of no where. Go star gazing. Build a snowman. Dance. Sing. Write.
More important than all of that is standing up for what you believe in. Be different. Change someone's life. Be kind to those who are not kind to you. Be confident and spread grace wherever you go. Stay positive and do fun things. Build your dash. Make it important. Be memorable and be so generous that others will always remember you. Do everything for the right reasons. Always have a pure heart and genuine intentions. That way, when someone sees your dash, they know you really had one. Until next time xxx.
Now, I'm not sure where I heard this. It may have been a movie, book, or just a random quote. Yet I really love it and I hope you love it just as much.
So everyone has seen a cemetery. If not, you know what a headstone looks like. Let's pretend I was born in the year 1800 and I died in the year 1875. On the headstone it would read 1800-1875. If you can see, there is the slightest dash between the 1800 and the 1875. It is so small. Just a minuscule line that is supposed to account for your entire life. This is your life: -
Just a dash. If you genuinely think about your life, right now is not even a percentage of that dash. The past five years make up the smallest part of your own dash.
So how are you living your life? Are the things you doing even affecting the length of your dash? I mean, what is even in a dash? Look at all of time. Billions and billions of years. One person's life is literally nothing to all that time.
Not that your life is nothing. Your life is something. But it is only significant if you make it great. Build your dash. Live out your dreams. Watch the sunrise and fall asleep on a beach. Travel, read lots of books, and eat bizarre foods. Drink tea and talk to interesting people. Expand your horizons and live on the edge. Stay at a tiny motel in the middle of no where. Go star gazing. Build a snowman. Dance. Sing. Write.
More important than all of that is standing up for what you believe in. Be different. Change someone's life. Be kind to those who are not kind to you. Be confident and spread grace wherever you go. Stay positive and do fun things. Build your dash. Make it important. Be memorable and be so generous that others will always remember you. Do everything for the right reasons. Always have a pure heart and genuine intentions. That way, when someone sees your dash, they know you really had one. Until next time xxx.
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Life's Test
I'm sitting in front of the keyboard crying because I don't know what to say. I know what I want to say, but I'm not sure how to word it. Sometimes it's hard to describe feelings. They aren't tangible. They are just there inside you and sometimes there is no proper way to express them. I can try my best. Occasionally, writing encourages me to get my emotions out. It's like sitting at a computer and bleeding all your feelings out into words.
Life is a test. It isn't the sort of test you can study and prepare yourself for. It's practically thrown at you. There are good and bad parts of life. There are the parts that no one understands. When something negative is thrown at you, all you can do is ponder why something like that would happen to someone like you.
You may not be a perfect person, no one is, but you certainly didn't deserve this. The people you love don't deserve to be in this situation either. It seems so senseless. Why? Why do these things happen to us? They shouldn't be happening to anyone.
You're just left standing there forgetting how to breathe. It's like the world has momentarily frozen and everything that ever made sense is wiped away.
Bad things have happened before. Sometimes, bad occurrences bring about positive changes. I know this from personal experience. It's difficult to understand that horrible events really can lead to an improved outcome. But they can. You simply must believe that everything happens the way it's supposed to.
Life isn't only a test you can pass, but it's a journey you create. Sure, life is going to knock you down. Heck, it may even take a few punches at you and throw you down a hill. You may get some bruises and wounds. Yet, if you stand up taller and stronger than before, you'll always win.
Yes, it can be challenging to pull yourself together and face your challenges. Personal growth and achievement takes time. I continue to struggle with the "why" in life. Why has this happened? Why? Why did this happen to people I care about? The list goes on.
After life beats you up, it's not always easy to pull yourself up. What I'm working on is staying positive. If you're able to smile when you feel like crying, you're already a strong person.
Sometimes when life closes a door, ten more open. Opportunities flourish and hope hangs in the air like perfume. Don't get down. Stand right back up. Create opportunities. Build the life you want. Keep your chin up. With love, any obstacle can be overcome. And goodness do I love my family more than anything else. Until next time xxx.
Monday, January 20, 2014
California (and Colorado).
Oh my home state. How sweet it sounds. Oh California.
I miss California terribly. Even though I've been in Colorado for a long five years, returning to California always pieces my heart back together. Everything is still so familiar. It all looks, sounds, and even smells just right. The Bay Bridge leading into San Francisco is permanently burned into my mind. Even smaller things, like the shopping center we'd always go to, or the plaza are crystal clear in my memory.
It' s not like I miss the traffic, excessive amount of irritable people, and high cost of living. No, that was all awful. I won't lie and say I loved it. But I'm still so used to it. How can it possibly bother me?
After living in this bubble of priviledged people in Colorado, I miss the normality of California even more. Where I live is a very beautiful place. The Rocky Mountains can be seen from the windows in our home. The houses are beautiful, as are all the town centers. The people are friendlier. Heck, even our football team is going to the Super Bowl! GO BRONCOS!
I don't mind it. I mean, it becomes annoying when some of your friends complain about not getting the newest iPhone, or when they are rewarded with a B&W or Range Rover just for passing their driver's test.
Sure, it's a little pompous and hard to believe. Going back home is just comforting. All my family is there after all. I know my grandparent's house better then I know my own it seems. It's so nice to connect with my old friends and distant family members. It's like a taste of childhood, and who doesn't want that? I feel like I lived completely in my head as a child. I thought everything was perfect.
As I look back, I see that my school wasn't all that good, and my parents were really struggling. In retrospect, I feel so blessed now. We live in a beautiful home (with a beautiful view) and despite the fact that I dislike school, I'm lucky to go to a good one.
I still miss spending weekends with my grandparents, and going to school with kids I knew since practically birth. It's odd comparing my "two" lives. Really, it's almost like I have two separate lives. I have this one here in Colorado that I'm currently living. Yet, I also have my life in California that will never leave. I always have it to return to, and that makes my heart so warm.
It's so hard to grasp that while everything and everyone changes, it all stays exactly the same.
Of course, I know deep down that I'd miss Colorado if I were to leave. I would miss the life I built here. I'd miss my weird neighbors and best friend and my bedroom. I'd miss the now somewhat familiar streets. I would miss looking out the window and gazing at the Rockies. I would miss the people I've bonded with here.
It's difficult. Choosing which you'd miss more, I mean. California will always be my home, but maybe, just maybe, I would miss them equally. Until next time xxx.
It' s not like I miss the traffic, excessive amount of irritable people, and high cost of living. No, that was all awful. I won't lie and say I loved it. But I'm still so used to it. How can it possibly bother me?
After living in this bubble of priviledged people in Colorado, I miss the normality of California even more. Where I live is a very beautiful place. The Rocky Mountains can be seen from the windows in our home. The houses are beautiful, as are all the town centers. The people are friendlier. Heck, even our football team is going to the Super Bowl! GO BRONCOS!
I don't mind it. I mean, it becomes annoying when some of your friends complain about not getting the newest iPhone, or when they are rewarded with a B&W or Range Rover just for passing their driver's test.
Sure, it's a little pompous and hard to believe. Going back home is just comforting. All my family is there after all. I know my grandparent's house better then I know my own it seems. It's so nice to connect with my old friends and distant family members. It's like a taste of childhood, and who doesn't want that? I feel like I lived completely in my head as a child. I thought everything was perfect.
As I look back, I see that my school wasn't all that good, and my parents were really struggling. In retrospect, I feel so blessed now. We live in a beautiful home (with a beautiful view) and despite the fact that I dislike school, I'm lucky to go to a good one.
I still miss spending weekends with my grandparents, and going to school with kids I knew since practically birth. It's odd comparing my "two" lives. Really, it's almost like I have two separate lives. I have this one here in Colorado that I'm currently living. Yet, I also have my life in California that will never leave. I always have it to return to, and that makes my heart so warm.
It's so hard to grasp that while everything and everyone changes, it all stays exactly the same.
Of course, I know deep down that I'd miss Colorado if I were to leave. I would miss the life I built here. I'd miss my weird neighbors and best friend and my bedroom. I'd miss the now somewhat familiar streets. I would miss looking out the window and gazing at the Rockies. I would miss the people I've bonded with here.
It's difficult. Choosing which you'd miss more, I mean. California will always be my home, but maybe, just maybe, I would miss them equally. Until next time xxx.
Saturday, January 18, 2014
The Magic of Photography
Yesterday, I, along with Ainsley and Mackenzie were stuck babysitting our little siblings. It was a windy day, but all the kids were playing outside. We decided to be busy instead of just standing there watching them.
So we became very artsy in our photography.
So we became very artsy in our photography.
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Sibling love. I can't stop laughing. |
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*laugh* *laugh* |
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Oh, a red door. Perfect. |
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Hunters AND a red door. |
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Mack being "shocked." |
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Happiness. (feat. a jumping child in the back). |
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Professional creep. |
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Peace. |
Thursday, January 16, 2014
The Dream Life
I have a lot of dream lives to live. I suppose that's just what comes with a colorful imagination. Honestly I confuse myself sometimes with my own dreams. They range from all over the scale and it's hard to pick which ones I want to live out.
For one, I've always wanted to be a princess. Of course, you can't just become a princess. That's something I have realized with age. But, I've always wanted to be famous, and I guess that is something that is in your hands. It's all about putting yourself out there. It would be so fun to be a famous actress, but who knows if that's a dream I really want to pursue (I do, but for now I'm just going to finish high school in Colorado).
Another dream I have is to become an acclaimed author. I love writing with all my heart and soul (obviously, or else this blog would have never been born). I just think it would be so fun to write and write and make a living out of it!
Traveling is my biggest dream, thus far. It is honestly just so enriching and leaves it's mark on your memory. Goodness, do I love traveling. My dream is to travel all over the whole dang world. It would be such an everlasting adventure.
Smaller dreams include having a nice house that I can call my own, and developing my style even more as I grow older. I hope to have a stellar education and fantastic family bond.
But what's my overall dream? Wow. It's sort of like a book I'd say. Perfect and imperfect in all the right ways.
I'd live in a bustling city like New York, San Francisco, Chicago, or Los Angeles (preferably one of those four). I'd work for a fashion magazine, or maybe pay the bills my working in a cute coffee shop. I'd already be done with college, and live in a comfy little flat.
Once I saved up a sufficient amount of money, I would just travel. Most likely with close friends, and probably some with my family. I'd take breaks between traveling, of course, returning home to my job and regular life. But every so often I would embark on a brand new adventure, on a whole new continent.
While traveling I would see breathtaking sites and meet a ton of incredible people. Maybe some would be similar to me, but I hope others will be vastly different. Not only do I want to explore all the major cities of almost every country, but I want to visit the poverty stricken areas. I think it teaches such a valuable lesson, and is also incredibly humbling.
When I'm home, I'll stay in touch with a close group of friends, while continuing to meet a bunch of new, fascinating people.
Then, after all my dreams have been checked off the list, I'll get married or something like that. Who knows when I'll find "the guy" but I rather get all my fun traveling out of the way first. Life would become much more permanent and things would be more stable. It will be odd, but it will be life.
Such a weird dream life, huh? What's your dream? I'm fairly positive it's something we all ponder. Live the life you have while you have it. Until next time xxx.
For one, I've always wanted to be a princess. Of course, you can't just become a princess. That's something I have realized with age. But, I've always wanted to be famous, and I guess that is something that is in your hands. It's all about putting yourself out there. It would be so fun to be a famous actress, but who knows if that's a dream I really want to pursue (I do, but for now I'm just going to finish high school in Colorado).
Another dream I have is to become an acclaimed author. I love writing with all my heart and soul (obviously, or else this blog would have never been born). I just think it would be so fun to write and write and make a living out of it!
Traveling is my biggest dream, thus far. It is honestly just so enriching and leaves it's mark on your memory. Goodness, do I love traveling. My dream is to travel all over the whole dang world. It would be such an everlasting adventure.
Smaller dreams include having a nice house that I can call my own, and developing my style even more as I grow older. I hope to have a stellar education and fantastic family bond.
But what's my overall dream? Wow. It's sort of like a book I'd say. Perfect and imperfect in all the right ways.
I'd live in a bustling city like New York, San Francisco, Chicago, or Los Angeles (preferably one of those four). I'd work for a fashion magazine, or maybe pay the bills my working in a cute coffee shop. I'd already be done with college, and live in a comfy little flat.
Once I saved up a sufficient amount of money, I would just travel. Most likely with close friends, and probably some with my family. I'd take breaks between traveling, of course, returning home to my job and regular life. But every so often I would embark on a brand new adventure, on a whole new continent.
While traveling I would see breathtaking sites and meet a ton of incredible people. Maybe some would be similar to me, but I hope others will be vastly different. Not only do I want to explore all the major cities of almost every country, but I want to visit the poverty stricken areas. I think it teaches such a valuable lesson, and is also incredibly humbling.
When I'm home, I'll stay in touch with a close group of friends, while continuing to meet a bunch of new, fascinating people.
Then, after all my dreams have been checked off the list, I'll get married or something like that. Who knows when I'll find "the guy" but I rather get all my fun traveling out of the way first. Life would become much more permanent and things would be more stable. It will be odd, but it will be life.
Such a weird dream life, huh? What's your dream? I'm fairly positive it's something we all ponder. Live the life you have while you have it. Until next time xxx.
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
Word of the Year- Grace
My "word" of 2014 is decidedly grace. Stephanie challenged me to pick one word to live by this year. At first I really struggled on choosing one. The dictionary is so large after all! I love a strong vocabulary because it makes everyone who speaks it seem so intelligent. So I was really questioning what word I would pick.
Would I go with a word that no one knew the meaning of yet was really insightful? Would I pick one like "happy," or "peace?"
I knew there were so many words to go through, so I just now decided on what that seems fit: grace.
I believe that grace is an important word to live by. Not only does it mean (to me, anyways) to spread peace and love wherever you go, but I also think that it means to have the proper amount of humility and forgiveness. If you live your life with grace, you'll live a life to be remembered.
I'm going to try with all my might to live with grace this year. In my opinion, 2013 was a year of stress and haste, with only a few cherished moments.
If 2014 is lived through with grace, then I believe that it will be an absolutely lovely year, no matter what my struggles are.
Would I go with a word that no one knew the meaning of yet was really insightful? Would I pick one like "happy," or "peace?"
I knew there were so many words to go through, so I just now decided on what that seems fit: grace.
I believe that grace is an important word to live by. Not only does it mean (to me, anyways) to spread peace and love wherever you go, but I also think that it means to have the proper amount of humility and forgiveness. If you live your life with grace, you'll live a life to be remembered.
I'm going to try with all my might to live with grace this year. In my opinion, 2013 was a year of stress and haste, with only a few cherished moments.
If 2014 is lived through with grace, then I believe that it will be an absolutely lovely year, no matter what my struggles are.
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see.
That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see.
T'was Grace that taught my heart to fear.
And Grace, my fears relieved.
How precious did that Grace appear
The hour I first believed.
And Grace, my fears relieved.
How precious did that Grace appear
The hour I first believed.
Through many dangers, toils and snares
I have already come;
'Tis Grace that brought me safe thus far
and Grace will lead me home.
I have already come;
'Tis Grace that brought me safe thus far
and Grace will lead me home.
The Lord has promised good to me.
His word my hope secures.
He will my shield and portion be,
As long as life endures.
His word my hope secures.
He will my shield and portion be,
As long as life endures.
Yea, when this flesh and heart shall fail,
And mortal life shall cease,
I shall possess within the veil,
A life of joy and peace.
And mortal life shall cease,
I shall possess within the veil,
A life of joy and peace.
Yes, when this flesh and heart shall fail,
And mortal life shall cease;
I shall profess, within the vail,
A life of joy and peace.
And mortal life shall cease;
I shall profess, within the vail,
A life of joy and peace.
-Amazing Grace
Until next time xxx.
The Preppy Girl- YouTube
I am often known for dressing preppy all day, every day. It is essentially my forte. I have a strong passion for style and I love beauty YouTube channels like Zoella and Carli Bybel.
I was pondering what would happen if I created a YouTube channel dedicated to preppy style. This would include clothes, shoes, accessories, hairstyles, and makeup. I think it would be incredibly fun!
Would you guys tune in? Let me know!
Until next time xxx.
P.S. Who knows if I'll even do it, but I think it would be incredibly fun to try out!
PLEASE email me with your opinion at Also, feel free to add any ideas you have about future blog posts! Be kind and I'll be sure to get back to you! I'd love to hear any little thoughts you have!
I was pondering what would happen if I created a YouTube channel dedicated to preppy style. This would include clothes, shoes, accessories, hairstyles, and makeup. I think it would be incredibly fun!
Would you guys tune in? Let me know!
Until next time xxx.
P.S. Who knows if I'll even do it, but I think it would be incredibly fun to try out!
PLEASE email me with your opinion at Also, feel free to add any ideas you have about future blog posts! Be kind and I'll be sure to get back to you! I'd love to hear any little thoughts you have!
Saturday, January 11, 2014
Isabel in Disneyland- An Adventure Story
This is actually about a trip to Disney WORLD, but I did not want to ruin the Alice in Wonderland theme.
Disney is probably one of my favorite things ever. Whether it's the movies, the music, or the places, I'm beyond myself with joy and love. I have seen almost every Disney movie multiple times (and I mean multiple. Say 50 times each? No joke). I know all the lyrics to practically every song. I've been to Disney land and World multiple times. I have a collection of souvenirs and photographs from my travels. There is just something about Disney that fills me with so much excitement. Not only does each movie teach a valuable lesson, but it comes along with PRINCESSES, PRINCES, AND CUTE ANIMALS. What else does a person need? Almost every Disney movie is a love story in some form, and I love love stories. Don't you? Disney has, and always will know the way to my heart.
Here is a special edition of the Adventure Stories. This one here is about none other then my trip to Disney World, since it was the most recent. I've learned lots of lessons from Disney, and I hope after reading this you do, too. Enjoy part two of Adventure Stories. I present to you, Isabel in Disneyland...
(er... Isabel in Disney World)....
Another trip to Disney! Only this time it was World, and I had only been to Land. World just sounds better than Land to me. I mean would you rather be Queen of the World or Queen of the Land?
Exactly. World. So, naturally, I was thrilled. There was a layover in the Houston airport, and as I sat there eating my Subway sandwich, I watched cowboys hurry to catch their flights. Things were exciting already.
When we landed at the Orlando airport, I was hit with a wave of humidity. In it's own way, it was refreshing. We took a town car to the resort, and I was bubbling over with excitement as I watched palm trees and swamps fly past the car windows.
We stayed in the Dolphin side of the Swan and Dolphin hotel. It was beautiful, with water all around it. Ferries were available to take guests to either Hollywood Studios or Epcot. From our room we could see the Boardwalk. It was in walking distance! (In theory, so were Epcot and Hollywood Studios, if you had enough energy).
The afternoon of our arrival, my family changed into shorts and t-shirts to suit the Florida weather, and we caught a Disney bus to Downtown Disney. It was absolutely enchanting, and so much larger than Disneyland's Downtown area.
Twinkly lights lit up the trees, reminding me of Tinker Bell and the overall magic of the place. We ate at a speciality sandwich shop,and explored the different shops. I was full of joy.
There were so many parks to explore over the next week, our schedule was jammed! We explored Magic Kingdom, which houses many of the same rides as Disneyland. I got chills on Splash Mountains, Pirates of the Caribbean, and Haunted Mansion as always. I cruised on Thunder Mountain Railroad. We ate pineapple floats in the shade of a palm tree (It was excruciatingly hot).
Before enjoying the classic fireworks show at Magic Kingdom, my family was exploring the new Fantasy Land. I went in the Beast's castle and explored Prince Eric's palace, too. As we were leaving The Little Mermaid ride, a man stopped us, told me I had "the walk" and that he was filming a commercial for the new Fantasy Land. He had this huge camera crew with lights and the whole mess. We filmed it over five times, and then we went and watched the parade and fireworks. It was magical.
We dined at Shula's, a fine steak house that was in our hotel. We watched fireworks every night and ate ice cream all the time.
Animal Kingdom was the greatest adventure. Expedition Everest was the best roller coaster I've ever been on. My dad and I screamed our heads off as we went on it over seven times!
The Kali River Rapids was great on a hot day, because my little brother got soaked three times in a row (he bawled each time).
Hollywood Studios is a grand old time because on one side you have Star Tours (if you're a Star Wars geek like me) and on the other you have Tower of Terror (the love of my life). It's such an exhilarating ride that you can just scream your head off in.
My dad and I stayed in Hollywood Studios until 1 am once (perks to staying on resort) and we took the boat back to the hotel (after eating more ice cream, of course).
Epcot was also one of my favorites because there are so many countries in one park! France (my favorite) along with Germany, Mexico, Japan, Italy, and countless more. We were there during the Food & Wine Festival, so we were able to snack on small foods from each country for a low price (super exciting). The fireworks show over the water was beautiful and energetic.
There is also Soarin' in Epcot, and that is another one of my favorites. I love flying over my old home, California, and breathing in all the scents and taking in all the sites.
On our last morning in Disney, we spent it on the boardwalk, eating pizza and enjoying the quiet. Everyone else was at the parks, but I just ate my pizza and looked out over the water in utter silence. It was a perfect ending.
Here are some life lessons I learned in Disney World. From Epcot, I learned that each country is different. I want to travel to all of them one day just to see all the good things they have to offer for myself. I also learned to try new things like frog legs and Japanese shaved ice.
From Hollywood Studios I learned that screaming when you're scared is okay. But that typically things we're scared of are all pretend.
From Animal Kingdom I learned that animals are an important part of our world, and their habitats are some of the most beautiful and fragile. I also learned that the best way to cool down on a hot day is by drinking lemonade and getting drenched.
From Magic Kingdom I learned to walk with confidence (because a filmer may notice you). I also learned that dreams come true and magic is real. All you have to do is believe.
Finally, from the Boardwalk, I learned that peace and quiet can be memorable and special. Pizza tastes even better by the water.
I love Disney with all my heart, and it was a trip no one could ever forget.
Until next time xxx.
Disney is probably one of my favorite things ever. Whether it's the movies, the music, or the places, I'm beyond myself with joy and love. I have seen almost every Disney movie multiple times (and I mean multiple. Say 50 times each? No joke). I know all the lyrics to practically every song. I've been to Disney land and World multiple times. I have a collection of souvenirs and photographs from my travels. There is just something about Disney that fills me with so much excitement. Not only does each movie teach a valuable lesson, but it comes along with PRINCESSES, PRINCES, AND CUTE ANIMALS. What else does a person need? Almost every Disney movie is a love story in some form, and I love love stories. Don't you? Disney has, and always will know the way to my heart.
Here is a special edition of the Adventure Stories. This one here is about none other then my trip to Disney World, since it was the most recent. I've learned lots of lessons from Disney, and I hope after reading this you do, too. Enjoy part two of Adventure Stories. I present to you, Isabel in Disneyland...
(er... Isabel in Disney World)....
Another trip to Disney! Only this time it was World, and I had only been to Land. World just sounds better than Land to me. I mean would you rather be Queen of the World or Queen of the Land?
Exactly. World. So, naturally, I was thrilled. There was a layover in the Houston airport, and as I sat there eating my Subway sandwich, I watched cowboys hurry to catch their flights. Things were exciting already.
When we landed at the Orlando airport, I was hit with a wave of humidity. In it's own way, it was refreshing. We took a town car to the resort, and I was bubbling over with excitement as I watched palm trees and swamps fly past the car windows.
We stayed in the Dolphin side of the Swan and Dolphin hotel. It was beautiful, with water all around it. Ferries were available to take guests to either Hollywood Studios or Epcot. From our room we could see the Boardwalk. It was in walking distance! (In theory, so were Epcot and Hollywood Studios, if you had enough energy).
The afternoon of our arrival, my family changed into shorts and t-shirts to suit the Florida weather, and we caught a Disney bus to Downtown Disney. It was absolutely enchanting, and so much larger than Disneyland's Downtown area.
Twinkly lights lit up the trees, reminding me of Tinker Bell and the overall magic of the place. We ate at a speciality sandwich shop,and explored the different shops. I was full of joy.
There were so many parks to explore over the next week, our schedule was jammed! We explored Magic Kingdom, which houses many of the same rides as Disneyland. I got chills on Splash Mountains, Pirates of the Caribbean, and Haunted Mansion as always. I cruised on Thunder Mountain Railroad. We ate pineapple floats in the shade of a palm tree (It was excruciatingly hot).
Before enjoying the classic fireworks show at Magic Kingdom, my family was exploring the new Fantasy Land. I went in the Beast's castle and explored Prince Eric's palace, too. As we were leaving The Little Mermaid ride, a man stopped us, told me I had "the walk" and that he was filming a commercial for the new Fantasy Land. He had this huge camera crew with lights and the whole mess. We filmed it over five times, and then we went and watched the parade and fireworks. It was magical.
We dined at Shula's, a fine steak house that was in our hotel. We watched fireworks every night and ate ice cream all the time.
Animal Kingdom was the greatest adventure. Expedition Everest was the best roller coaster I've ever been on. My dad and I screamed our heads off as we went on it over seven times!
The Kali River Rapids was great on a hot day, because my little brother got soaked three times in a row (he bawled each time).
Hollywood Studios is a grand old time because on one side you have Star Tours (if you're a Star Wars geek like me) and on the other you have Tower of Terror (the love of my life). It's such an exhilarating ride that you can just scream your head off in.
My dad and I stayed in Hollywood Studios until 1 am once (perks to staying on resort) and we took the boat back to the hotel (after eating more ice cream, of course).
Epcot was also one of my favorites because there are so many countries in one park! France (my favorite) along with Germany, Mexico, Japan, Italy, and countless more. We were there during the Food & Wine Festival, so we were able to snack on small foods from each country for a low price (super exciting). The fireworks show over the water was beautiful and energetic.
There is also Soarin' in Epcot, and that is another one of my favorites. I love flying over my old home, California, and breathing in all the scents and taking in all the sites.
On our last morning in Disney, we spent it on the boardwalk, eating pizza and enjoying the quiet. Everyone else was at the parks, but I just ate my pizza and looked out over the water in utter silence. It was a perfect ending.
Here are some life lessons I learned in Disney World. From Epcot, I learned that each country is different. I want to travel to all of them one day just to see all the good things they have to offer for myself. I also learned to try new things like frog legs and Japanese shaved ice.
From Hollywood Studios I learned that screaming when you're scared is okay. But that typically things we're scared of are all pretend.
From Animal Kingdom I learned that animals are an important part of our world, and their habitats are some of the most beautiful and fragile. I also learned that the best way to cool down on a hot day is by drinking lemonade and getting drenched.
From Magic Kingdom I learned to walk with confidence (because a filmer may notice you). I also learned that dreams come true and magic is real. All you have to do is believe.
Finally, from the Boardwalk, I learned that peace and quiet can be memorable and special. Pizza tastes even better by the water.
I love Disney with all my heart, and it was a trip no one could ever forget.
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The first evening. |
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Joyous. |
The Hundred Acre Wood. |
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Happy Halloween! |
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We are so silly, we take selfies with weird hats. |
Nemo. |
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And did I get some great memories or what. |
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Ole! |
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Perfect (ft. a trash can). |
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Epcot level Italy. |
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Epcot level Germany. |
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Ay ay! -Donald Duck |
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Epcot level Mexico |
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Epcot level London |
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The magic of Hollywood Studios. |
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I want a giant Emmy one day. |
Hollywood |
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Hi C-3PO |
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Best show ever! |
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Ariel and Prince Eric's Palace. |
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Cinderella's Castle. |
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Capturing my feelings on Disney in one photo. |
Until next time xxx.
Friday, January 10, 2014
Lost in The Windy City- An Adventure Story
I have decided to start a mini series of posts within Little Thoughts, Big Ideas, called "An Adventure Story." I've gone on several interesting vacations or just had some fun, memorable adventures in my short life. So I decided to collect them all here, and tell them to you in a creative way. At the end of each story, there will be an important, valuable lesson I learned on the particular adventure. Enjoy part one of the Adventure Stories. I present to you, Lost in The Windy City...
(Oh, I don't actually get lost it just seemed like it)....
Chicago, Illinois, is known for extreme winds that roll in off Lake Michigan, and lots of good food.
I found that it also houses incredibly kind people, and is actually clean and safe... for a city, you know.
I didn't know what to expect from Chicago. Maybe it would be busy and cluttered like San Francisco. I didn't know I was in for a treat.
As I saw Sears Tower (or Willis Tower, now) I was blown away. I have and always will be fascinated by cities. I love everything about them from the exciting sites to towering buildings,to the mouthwatering food.
Chicago had it all.
As I wandered around Millennium Park, I saw the shiny Bean, and these incredibly interesting fountains that displayed Chicago residents' faces. They would be "spitting" water. I had never seen anything like it.
The weather was perfect. It only rained on a day or two, but rain never harmed me. I prefer to dance in it.
Lake Michigan waves rolled as seagulls crowed.
The Magnificent Mile stretched on; my mom and I ventured into every store.
The pizza was bigger and better. Standing on top of the tallest building in America was exhilarating. A boyfriend even proposed to his girlfriend on one of the lookouts of the tower. It was a joyous day (and I also got pizza, so that contributed to it's happiness).
I walked up the streets eating a hot dog, or nibbling a doughnut. It was every teenager's dream.
The most memorable man in Chicago was an older gentleman who painted in Millennium Park. His canvases were scattered around the sidewalk, and curious passerby would peer at them and grab his business card.
My dad struck up a conversation with the man and they chatted for over half an hour I'd say.
I asked him why he left his painting laying on the sidewalk? What if someone stole them? He said he trusted people not to take them. I was taken aback by his answer. It is a city after all. Who knows who may grab a painting and slide way! He also said most people are good, and most people are honest. It was something I needed to hear, as everyone should. He also said how much he loves painting, and when people see that you are passionate about something, they respect you.
I learned as I got lost in Chicago that the world is the world. No one can change it. Perhaps it will remain the same, and history will continue to repeat itself. But out there in the world, there are good people. Don't let the bad scare you. Express your passions...even in the middle of a popular park, in the windy city.
Until next time xxx.
(Oh, I don't actually get lost it just seemed like it)....
Chicago, Illinois, is known for extreme winds that roll in off Lake Michigan, and lots of good food.
I found that it also houses incredibly kind people, and is actually clean and safe... for a city, you know.
I didn't know what to expect from Chicago. Maybe it would be busy and cluttered like San Francisco. I didn't know I was in for a treat.
As I saw Sears Tower (or Willis Tower, now) I was blown away. I have and always will be fascinated by cities. I love everything about them from the exciting sites to towering buildings,to the mouthwatering food.
Chicago had it all.
As I wandered around Millennium Park, I saw the shiny Bean, and these incredibly interesting fountains that displayed Chicago residents' faces. They would be "spitting" water. I had never seen anything like it.
The weather was perfect. It only rained on a day or two, but rain never harmed me. I prefer to dance in it.
Lake Michigan waves rolled as seagulls crowed.
The Magnificent Mile stretched on; my mom and I ventured into every store.
The pizza was bigger and better. Standing on top of the tallest building in America was exhilarating. A boyfriend even proposed to his girlfriend on one of the lookouts of the tower. It was a joyous day (and I also got pizza, so that contributed to it's happiness).
I walked up the streets eating a hot dog, or nibbling a doughnut. It was every teenager's dream.
The most memorable man in Chicago was an older gentleman who painted in Millennium Park. His canvases were scattered around the sidewalk, and curious passerby would peer at them and grab his business card.
My dad struck up a conversation with the man and they chatted for over half an hour I'd say.
I asked him why he left his painting laying on the sidewalk? What if someone stole them? He said he trusted people not to take them. I was taken aback by his answer. It is a city after all. Who knows who may grab a painting and slide way! He also said most people are good, and most people are honest. It was something I needed to hear, as everyone should. He also said how much he loves painting, and when people see that you are passionate about something, they respect you.
I learned as I got lost in Chicago that the world is the world. No one can change it. Perhaps it will remain the same, and history will continue to repeat itself. But out there in the world, there are good people. Don't let the bad scare you. Express your passions...even in the middle of a popular park, in the windy city.
Until next time xxx.
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
New Year Resolutions.
Resolutions may seem silly because people rarely stick to them and carry through with them. Yet I think that they are important to have, because it can leave you with a sense of satisfaction. I've decided that I will compose a not too long list for you all to look off of. Maybe it will inspire you, or help you add to your own resolutions. Enjoy!
1) eat healthier.
2) exercise more.
3) get more fresh air.
4) learn and practice yoga.
5) read more classics.
6) study study study.
7) go in for help in school if needed.
8) give 110% at everything.
9) go to bed earlier.
10) spend more time with my family.
11) go on adventures.
12) drink lots of healthy smoothies.
13) be nice to the ones that are mean to me.
14) forgive and be more understanding.
15) write in free time.
16) stay tan.
17) grow my hair long.
18) save money.
19) find ways to earn money
20) make dinner for my family more often.
21) stress less.
22) keep positive in dour situations.
23) just relax.
24) laugh more at myself.
25) finally, smile more than anything.
What is your list? Until next time xxx.
Sunday, January 5, 2014
A Fresh Start- The New Year
While school is not a thrilling, elegant affair, I have decided to take the new semester as an opportunity.
During this new year, I have decided to be my own person as much as possible. It is no fun fitting in. There is no individualism. Of course, high school has it's share of diversity, but everyone still tries to conform to their own group of friends. Is it such a challenge to just be yourself? I enjoy it, because I know that there is no one exactly like me in the world. It makes me feel special!
This year, I'm joining the school's tennis team, and going to pick up my beloved field hockey stick once again. I have decided that nothing will bring me down.
Sure, there will be rough days and stressful moments, but nothing will ever be that bad.
I'm staying away from people that are full of drama, and aiming to reach this level of personal fulfillment. If I'm happy and love myself, that's enough.
Life if beautiful and take each challenge and opportunity with an open mind and willing heart! I love you all. Until next time xxx.
During this new year, I have decided to be my own person as much as possible. It is no fun fitting in. There is no individualism. Of course, high school has it's share of diversity, but everyone still tries to conform to their own group of friends. Is it such a challenge to just be yourself? I enjoy it, because I know that there is no one exactly like me in the world. It makes me feel special!
This year, I'm joining the school's tennis team, and going to pick up my beloved field hockey stick once again. I have decided that nothing will bring me down.
Sure, there will be rough days and stressful moments, but nothing will ever be that bad.
I'm staying away from people that are full of drama, and aiming to reach this level of personal fulfillment. If I'm happy and love myself, that's enough.
Life if beautiful and take each challenge and opportunity with an open mind and willing heart! I love you all. Until next time xxx.
Saturday, January 4, 2014
Rachel's Tears
My friend, Stephanie, let me borrow a book called Rachel's Tears. It chronicles the life of Rachel Scott, the first victim of the Columbine Massacre.
As I mentioned in my Pray for Arapahoe post, I live only a short car ride away from Columbine High School. Though the tragedy occurred when I still lived in California, and was almost fifteen years ago, I can still feel the mark it left behind. I've visited the memorial a few times, and it is extremely powerful. It's things like this that leave me wondering how thick with emotion the air must be at the 9/11 memorial (I really hope to visit Ground Zero one day).
Well, anyways, the Columbine Massacre was huge, mainly because it was the first huge shooting at a high school in America. It changed the country, and world, forever.
I have also read the book Columbine which is written by acclaimed author Dave Cullen. It discusses all aspects of the shooting, including Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold's downfall. I found it especially intriguing, but Rachel Scott's story is incredibly interesting on a whole new level.
She was a seventeen year old junior at Columbine in the Spring of 1999. She was known for having a big heart, and believed that kindness was like a chain reaction. And isn't it? If someone is incredibly to you, you almost feel the need to be nice to someone else. Rachel had a close relationship with God, and let Him into her life at a young age. She also never wanted to be labeled as average. I find that these days in high school, if you aren't "average" you are made fun of. It is important to fit in if you want to make by in the halls of high school. I, like Rachel, think it is important to be extraordinary, and not to be like everyone else.
The emotion in Rachel's Tears, is so real, because it is written by her parents. They love her immensely, and their story is powerful. It goes to show that love can be unconditional, and that we often take people and things for granted.
Rachel's mother thought nothing as she sent her children off to school, a place where they expect to be safe. It was only when she heard the horrifying news of the events unfolding at Columbine, that reality hit her. Only then did one realize that their child had not come home.
It is just heartbreaking, but also so inspiring to all of us. We need to live our lives as though any moment could be our last.
Also, we can't take things like our own siblings for granted. Craig Scott was 16 at the time, and Rachel's younger brother. He was in the library, where most of the lives were taken. Craig's two friends were killed on either side of him, while he was forced to pretend he was already dead. He escaped death, but his sister was not as lucky.
Rachel had even written in her journal, less than a year before Columbine, that she anticipated that would be the last year of her life. Sadly, she had been correct. That just further convinces me that everything happens for a reason, and nothing is a guarantee.
We should all live life like Rachel. Be happy and appreciate what you have, when you have it. Yes, it's easier said then done, but who knows when your time is up.
Columbine is one, if not the, most popular high school in the entire nation. Though it is for the wrong reason, an unspeakable tragedy, it also left behind a legacy of incredible stories. Either the ones of those gone, like Rachel and Mr. Sanders, or the stories of survivors like Patrick Ireland, and so many others who fueled the pain they had for good.
So wake up each morning with love in your heart and a bright outlook. Smile at strangers and laugh with loved ones. It is encouraged to read Rachel's Tears, because it is a moving journey that has touched my heart. I wish you the best, always.
As I mentioned in my Pray for Arapahoe post, I live only a short car ride away from Columbine High School. Though the tragedy occurred when I still lived in California, and was almost fifteen years ago, I can still feel the mark it left behind. I've visited the memorial a few times, and it is extremely powerful. It's things like this that leave me wondering how thick with emotion the air must be at the 9/11 memorial (I really hope to visit Ground Zero one day).
Well, anyways, the Columbine Massacre was huge, mainly because it was the first huge shooting at a high school in America. It changed the country, and world, forever.
I have also read the book Columbine which is written by acclaimed author Dave Cullen. It discusses all aspects of the shooting, including Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold's downfall. I found it especially intriguing, but Rachel Scott's story is incredibly interesting on a whole new level.
She was a seventeen year old junior at Columbine in the Spring of 1999. She was known for having a big heart, and believed that kindness was like a chain reaction. And isn't it? If someone is incredibly to you, you almost feel the need to be nice to someone else. Rachel had a close relationship with God, and let Him into her life at a young age. She also never wanted to be labeled as average. I find that these days in high school, if you aren't "average" you are made fun of. It is important to fit in if you want to make by in the halls of high school. I, like Rachel, think it is important to be extraordinary, and not to be like everyone else.
The emotion in Rachel's Tears, is so real, because it is written by her parents. They love her immensely, and their story is powerful. It goes to show that love can be unconditional, and that we often take people and things for granted.
Rachel's mother thought nothing as she sent her children off to school, a place where they expect to be safe. It was only when she heard the horrifying news of the events unfolding at Columbine, that reality hit her. Only then did one realize that their child had not come home.
It is just heartbreaking, but also so inspiring to all of us. We need to live our lives as though any moment could be our last.
Also, we can't take things like our own siblings for granted. Craig Scott was 16 at the time, and Rachel's younger brother. He was in the library, where most of the lives were taken. Craig's two friends were killed on either side of him, while he was forced to pretend he was already dead. He escaped death, but his sister was not as lucky.
Rachel had even written in her journal, less than a year before Columbine, that she anticipated that would be the last year of her life. Sadly, she had been correct. That just further convinces me that everything happens for a reason, and nothing is a guarantee.
We should all live life like Rachel. Be happy and appreciate what you have, when you have it. Yes, it's easier said then done, but who knows when your time is up.
Columbine is one, if not the, most popular high school in the entire nation. Though it is for the wrong reason, an unspeakable tragedy, it also left behind a legacy of incredible stories. Either the ones of those gone, like Rachel and Mr. Sanders, or the stories of survivors like Patrick Ireland, and so many others who fueled the pain they had for good.
So wake up each morning with love in your heart and a bright outlook. Smile at strangers and laugh with loved ones. It is encouraged to read Rachel's Tears, because it is a moving journey that has touched my heart. I wish you the best, always.
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Rachel Scott |
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