Yesterday, I, along with Ainsley and Mackenzie were stuck babysitting our little siblings. It was a windy day, but all the kids were playing outside. We decided to be busy instead of just standing there watching them.
So we became very artsy in our photography.
Sibling love. I can't stop laughing. |
*laugh* *laugh* |
Oh, a red door. Perfect. |
Hunters AND a red door. |
Mack being "shocked." |
Happiness. (feat. a jumping child in the back). |
Professional creep. |
Peace. |
She stole my brother lol.
Anyways, we rather enjoy being semi-artsy. Especially when we are bored babysitting. I am desperately waiting for it to snow so we can take pictures as the snow falls.
I think photography is so magical because it freezes all these moments in time and you're able to go back and smile at them. I especially love it while on vacation, because you capture times from far away places and I find it to be very magical indeed. Until next time xxx.
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