
Friday, January 3, 2014

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Or it was anyways.  Christmas and NYE have passed, but the memories of the Christmas party will forever remain in my heart.  Ainsley and I, along with Hannah and Mackenzie threw a huge Christmas party that was loads of fun!  It took a lot of preparing, but it was completely worth it.  We did all the cooking and decorating, and by the end I was impressed with us!  Mackenzie made a video (click there to check it out) that captured the entire event.  It was so fun and I never thought it would turn out as great as it did.  There was a food table, a drink area where we had water (with cranberries), apple cider, and punch, and dessert section.  The dessert table housed cookies that people could decorate, and a hot chocolate portion.  We had an assortment of candies, along with ice cream and whipped cream.  

The dessert table

All the guests


The hostesses

With our supportive mothers!

Me with the mugs Mackenzie and Hannah made!
I highly suggest you check out the video Mack made because it is very good (and I completely approve of her music choices for it!)

We had Andy William's It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year playing on a constant loop on Hannah's porch.  There was a marshmallow roasting station in the backyard, and in the basement It's a Wonderful Life was playing on the television and there was even a photo booth that we created.  We also held an ornament exchange, and that was a lot of fun for everyone!  Christmas music was constantly playing and everyone seemed to really enjoy themselves.

I know I had so much fun and I wouldn't have traded it for the world!  Until next time xxx.

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