
Friday, August 15, 2014

How I Have Survived High School (So Far)

High school is definitely a difficult part in everyone's life.  It's a little awkward, very stressful, and just plain confusing.  The stress is too real junior year and I'm learning that very quickly (I've only gone to school four days so far).  People who can just breeze through the school work loads and overall stress are very blessed.  They have a gift I'd say.  Now, I have survived high school so far and am beginning my third year.  My advice to you would be this:

  • Enjoy your friends while you have them.  People change and many teenagers are very immature, so this change is inevitable.  Your good friends now may one day change.  A lot.  People have different priorities like popularity, and that can kill a relationship.
  • Do not obsess with being popular or having a boyfriend/girlfriend.  That is stupid and it wastes your sweet time.  Popularity honestly DOES NOT MATTER.  If you peak in high school, I feel incredibly bad for you.  Focus on being a genuinely good person.  That's it.
  • Get involved!  I played field hockey for a year, and am going to continue with tennis.  I met a lot of great people through it (some not so great, but oh well) and have kept some great friendships.  It's fun and a new experience.  Just join a sport or club and see where it takes you.
  • Drama is a NO.  Do not spread rumors, whine about your "horrible" life and cry over stupid boys.  Just don't go there and life is 110% simplified.
  • Stay grounded.  I mean this because it is vital to basically the rest of your life.  Be a good person with high standards and just don't make dumb mistakes you will regret for the rest of your life.  I think I am lucky to be so sure of myself, and I hope you are the same.
  • Take school work seriously.  It is important even if it can be pointless.  We learn different things to stretch our brains and one day I know I'll be happy when I'm writing, traveling, and doing all the other things I love.
  • Go to school dances.  Maybe they are a cliche, but lots of people go.  They are fun!  Go with friends, get dressed up, go out to dinner and have a night to remember (in a good way).  Don't be stupid.
  • Avoid peer pressure.  I don't hang out with negative influences and I've never been pressured to drink or do drugs.  It is something I am very proud of.  Giving into peer pressure is a weak thing to do.  Stay strong.
  • BELIEVE IN YOURSELF.  It may sound dumb, but it's true.  Have a good four years and always be the bigger person.  Be the best you you can be.  And believe in yourself.
  • STAY POSITIVE.  Just do it for goodness sakes.  Put a smile on your face.

Live in the moment.  Time flies.  Honestly, I can not believe I am a junior.  I was starting my freshman year seconds ago it seems.  Love the moments because life is just made up of moments after all.  Make new friends, lose some friends, go on adventures, play some sports, read some books, go to some dances, and just live.  

Staying true to yourself is the best advice I have to give.  Life is short and high school is even shorter.  Cherish it all because one day it will all be gone.  Until next time xxx.

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