
Saturday, August 2, 2014

I'm Writing a Book!

It is finally happening. I have been writing for years and years. In my closet and under my bed live stacks and stacks of papers. I've done most of my writing by hand, but I have also typed a few things as well. The more you write, the better you get is what I've decided. It's that way with anything of course. They say it takes 10,000 hours to become an expert at anything. 
Anyways, I am finally writing something serious and am putting my energy into this one particular project. I'm planning to self publish and sell on Amazon. I came up with the characters and general plot over a year ago. But, with my dad's input and ideas (he too is a writer) I've got an incredible twist to the story. I'm finally cracking down and writing this story that I hope I can soon share with everyone. 
I'm not comfortable with releasing all the details just yet, but maybe a little later down the road I will publish a chapter or section onto my blog. I would love feedback and everyone's opinion, but I want to get deeper into the story first. 
Writing is one of my biggest passions  (that and traveling) so I'm hoping to turn this into something truly special. I am so, so excited and wanted to share on here! Until next time xxx. 

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