
Tuesday, March 22, 2016

I Don't Love You Anymore

No one has ever told me "I don't love you anymore."  I've never heard those words.  Now, wait a minute and stop thinking how I need to get off my high horse.  I'm not so arrogant, and I'm not going to pretend that everyone loves me and kisses the ground I walk on.  That's just bullshit.  No one is loved by everyone.  Just because I have never been told those exact words, doesn't mean that people haven't stopped loving me.  Believe me when I say that there are plenty of people out there in this world who have stopped caring for me.  They never said it, but they didn't have to.  I already knew, maybe even before they did.
Yet, I still wish they had said it.  You're probably wondering why.  Why would I want to hear that I mean so little to someone?  I wish they had said it because then it would be easier to accept.  Life wouldn't be such a guessing game.
But, saying "I don't love you anymore" would be too easy, huh?  It is a bit ironic, given people usually try and do what's easiest, even if it's not always right.  Yet, the right thing to do is to say "I don't love you anymore," and simply move on with life, but that's too easy.  Life apparently isn't allowed to be that simple, because people always seem to struggle with being blunt.  It's as if facing the truth is too much for people to bear.  Everyone is constantly tiptoeing around the important matters in life and sweeping things under the rug, like they will somehow disappear under there.  Well, one day you'll have to move out of that house and when you're rolling the rug up you'll find all your problems still there, patiently waiting for you to acknowledge them.
That's why I wish people could look me in the eye and say "I don't love you anymore."  Then it wouldn't be swept under the rug, and it wouldn't be looming in the future.  It would go away.
So, no, I've never been told that I wasn't loved anymore.  I've been told plenty of other perfectly cruel things, but I don't feel like repeating them here.  I don't think I'll ever feel like repeating them anywhere.
Like I said, I've always known when people have stopped caring for me.  I think I figure it out before they do, because I've always been able to pick up on the smallest changes that others rarely notice.  Maybe they do notice it, but they shake it off anyways and say, "Oh that?  That's nothing."  Then they make up some excuse as to why the people who are supposed to love them treat them like they are so small.  They make up excuses, because that is easier than accepting that they are no longer loved by certain people.
So I heard.  I heard how their tone changed, and suddenly my name didn't sound safe in their mouth anymore.  They stopped saying my name and I wondered when the last time my name rolled off their tongue was.
I saw.  I saw how they couldn't look at me anymore.  They looked down, to the side, or past me, and never looked at me in the eyes.  Look at me, I wanted to beg.  Look at me, or else I feel like I might disappear into the air and you won't even realize.
I noticed.  I noticed when their laugh became strained.  Their shoulders didn't shake and their eyes stopped watering as they doubled over with laughter.  Actually, they didn't double over with laughter at all anymore.  I could have cracked the funniest joke in the world and all they'd be able to manage was a "ha."
I felt it.  I felt when their hand let go of mine after a couple of seconds.  Usually, they could hold on for hours, but it suddenly became too much of a hassle for them.  The sweaty palms weren't worth it.
I remember.  I remember when my world came crashing down around me, and I drove to their house.  It was raining, and I was about to jump out of my car and run to their porch.  Then it hit me that they would pretend to care but wouldn't mean it at all, so I drove away.
I smiled.  I smiled every time they bothered to acknowledge that I still existed and that I was still in fact a human.  I gripped at any small shred of hope that they did still care, and I didn't let go.
I celebrated.  I celebrated and they didn't.  I received the best news of my life on that sunny winter day, the type where it's cold and the earth is frozen, but the sky is on fire.  I called them immediately and was jumping around my room because I was incapable of containing my excitement.  All they said was, "good for you."
I cried.  I cried myself to sleep because I knew but couldn't accept it.  I knew all along that they truly didn't care.  They didn't love me anymore, and maybe they never really did.
I walked away.  I walked away because ultimately it was easier than pretending to be content around people who I knew could not care any less.

So yeah, I've never heard those five fatal words.  I don't love you anymore.  I still wonder what it must sound like.  I bet it hurts a lot less than the sinking realization that you don't matter anymore to them, but never having any confirmation.
Closure is a unique sort of thing.  Without closure, life is left like a book without an ending.  With no closure, things become a mystery that will never be solved.  Everyone needs closure, because nothing can truly begin again without the definite end of something else.  If people were capable of looking at me and saying "I don't love you anymore," then my mind wouldn't spend so much time wondering why?  I wouldn't be left to wonder why they didn't have enough decency to look at me and just say it.  Was I truly worth that little?  Now I'll always wonder.
But the loss of all these people who didn't care as much as I did has taught me a great lesson.
They may love you and never say it.  But just because they say "I love you" doesn't mean they actually do.  And trust me, you'll just know whether you want to admit it or not.  Until next time xxx.

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