
Monday, November 25, 2013

Blaze and Storm and Something Sweet

Before I begin, I just want to express my joy in the fact that people all across the world are tuning into this blog.  It makes me so overjoyed and I thank you all from the bottom of my heart!  Now, on to the story...

"Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you." -Princess Diana of Wales

Think about the quote above.  Yes, it was said by a brilliant woman, but the words are so powerful.  Basically, just be nice to one another and do not expect anything from it, except that maybe one day someone will return your kindness.
I really just love it and it relates to something that occurred within my day this evening.  I was standing outside my house with my friend, Ainsley, when we see to large dogs run across the street and around a yard.  They then bolt back across the street and into a neighbor's backyard.  Ainsley and I, quick to assume they have escaped their home, follow them but stop when the dogs leap over the fence.
They then bold into the open space that overlooks the mountains.  Frantic, Ainsley and I run into the open space (we did not cut through our neighbor's backyard, don't worry).  The dogs are nowhere to be seen.  Defeated, we begin heading back to our homes when a young lady in a car pulls up.  She asks us if we have seen two dogs.  Why yes, we had.  I then offer if she would like our help.  She said she would so Ainsley and I begin on the hunt for these two dogs, Blaze and Storm.  Now it is freezing outside and I, being clueless, am wearing a skirt and sweater.  Yet I am full with so much energy, eager to find these dogs, that I don't even realize my own limbs turning numb!
Ainsley and I continue searching, shouting out, "Blaze!" and "Storm!"
We have no luck and return to the woman, saddened by our failure.
"It's going to be a long night," she says after thanking us.  We begin the slow walk to our neighborhood as the lady goes back to her car.
All of a sudden the woman starts screaming "BLAZE!  STORM!  HERE!!" and runs up the street.  Ainsley and I follow and those two clueless dogs continue running back and forth across the street.  They are sniffing people's grass and not even listening to the woman screaming their names.
Ainsley and I precede to corner one of the dogs while the lady grabs the other by the collar.  Now they're big dogs and this woman is a thin as a rail.  She is on the phone, telling someone what street she is own and where she found these two giant dogs.
She finally grabs onto both their collars and we all sigh with relief.
"These are my Dad's babies.  I was about to be in a load of trouble!"  She continues to thank us as she drags the dogs off to her car.
I do not know what it was, but I felt inclined to help find Blaze and Storm.  Perhaps it was the fact that Ainsley and I had seen them running around.  Maybe it was the excitement of it all.  I suppose I am just grateful the lady was able to find her dad's dogs.  I certainly do not know what I would do if I lost my dog.  If he ran off, my heart would probably break into a million pieces.  That is most likely why I felt the need to help.
I guess, if my dog was lost, I would want people helping me find him.  Strangers helping, even.  That is why I find Princess Diana's quote so true.  We really should do to others as you would have them to do you.
Even though I got no reward or anything, I have the satisfaction in knowing I tried to help, and in knowing that Blaze and Storm are warm inside their homes on this bitter, frosty night.  Until next time xxx.

P.S.  I swear by Thanksgiving I will have up that list.. I just really loved this story.  Do something sweet for someone today, or tomorrow, or even the day after that :)

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