
Sunday, November 10, 2013

Why Love Is Not Like "The Notebook"

      So about this whole relationship thing, I get it. I understand that no one wants to be alone in life and we all want a significant other to share our life with. On the other hand, I find that movies have given everyone (mainly girls) a completely unrealistic expectation of what love is supposed to be like. For one, if you're anywhere between the ages of 12-19 and you say you're going to be with your boyfriend/girlfriend forever, you are most likely wrong. I mean, forever is a freaking long time. Wouldn't you eventually get sick of that person? And at such young ages we don't even know what love is! How are we supposed to find our other half when we don't even know who we are yet? Sure we may find people we click with in high school, but would you really marry them and grow old with them? No, probably not. And yes, I've seen every romantic movie, from Titanic to The Notebook. I'm a sucker for romance and I'm completely in love with the idea of love. But I understand Leonardo Dicaprio won't save me on a sinking ship, and Ryan Gosling will not write me letters everyday for a year. Yet all teenage girls have this expectation that no boy will ever meet. Because, news flash everyone, James Cameron is not directing your life and Nicholas Sparks did not write your love story. It's a shame, I know, but it is reality. So here sit us girls, waiting for our Romeo to come along. Speaking of Romeo, does anyone realize that he was 17 and Juliet was 13? Their love story (it's one of my favorites, but still) is completely dysfunctional. A ton of people die over two stupid kids who fell in love in about 30 seconds. Plus, at the end, SPOILER, the Montagues and Capulets finally get along after grieving over the loss of their children, who foolishly killed themselves. In reality, how is that romantic at all? I suppose it's meant to be a tragedy but still let's be realistic. Yet everyone continues to have pathetic expectations about knights in shining armor and castles and roses and dancing under the stars. I've noticed married couples are probably the least romantic couples there are and teenage couples are the most arrogant. Teens throw around the word "love" like it means nothing and we say "hate" like it's even less powerful. Besides, teenagers always have so much relationship drama it gives me headaches. It's always "guess who cheated on who" and "guess who hooked up with who." Can't we all just wait until we are older and know what the heck we're doing? Then again, sometimes I think married people don't even know what they are doing. I guess love is just one of those things that confuses your brain. Not that I would know, because I don't plan to fall in love for awhile. I guess I'll just have to wait and see...

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